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Below this we have the Copy section. The blue and soft red arrows copy the current pattern to either the Board Display or Performer Display. The Loop menu above it changes the functionality of the Performer Display. This is the default setting that cycles back to the starting position.

Start is the next mode. This allows the cells to carry on evolving regardless of the length and step settings. This can either peter out to nothing or get locked in a continual loop. In essence, this is never copying the Board Display to the Performer Display. Lastly is the manual mode.

All of these modes can be overridden by triggering the the arrow buttons underneath. The image below is a simple pattern to start off with. Notice the top right three squares disappear on the first turn — this is because they have no direct neighbours and die through under-population. This is shape that tumbles off into the distance.

Our closed bracket shape now disappears in four turns. On the left we have Load, Clear and Rnd, which will generate patterns in the Board Display, where Clear wipes the patterns and Rnd obviously generates a random patterns. You might notice the X-Size-Y changing with different presets; this is the width X and height Y of the Board Display grid, and it can be changed manually, even with a preset loaded.

The X-Wrap-Y is perhaps one of the harder elements of the sequencer to wrap your head around. If you minimise both controls and looks carefully at thePattern Display you will see all of the dots are a dark blue colour. This colour relates to one of the eight tone generators more on this next. If you program a sequence you should hear just one tone playing. Changing the X and Y wrap will add new colours into the board.

Adjusting just the x-wrap will scroll through the tone generators colours along the x-axis and the y-wrap along the y-axis:. Offsets is easiest to understand when both the X and Y Wrap at at minimum position. While here and Offset is at 0, the board is full of dark blue dots. Adjusting the Offset will scroll through the colours of all of the dots, unlike the X and Y Wrap which cycles through rainbow-like patterns.

Sens[itivity] will effect how many triggered are generated from the pattern. NWSCL is the bar chart on the left. It uses eight parabolic wave tone generators similar to a sine wave , triggered by the Life sequencer. These are colour coded peach, orange, gold, yellow, pale blue, a slightly darker blue, an even darker blue and almost navy.

Each sequencer can be turned on or off with the buttons just below it. In the above image all tones are switched on bar the last two on the furthest right hand side. In addition, there are several parameters that can be adjusted using the bar charts. They correspond to Pitch pretty self explanatory, spanning four octaves , Kick a short decaying pitch envelope. Frequency Modulation related to the FM dial underneath this display. This is great for creating complex tones. It will sound not dissimilar to a tremolo effect at lower amounts, and more metallic and atonal at greater amounts.

Lastly we have Decay and Amplitude, relating to the length of a triggered event and the volume of it. Double clicking on the display will give you randomised values for each of the parameters:. All of these are great for making large changes to your pattern, FM and Drive increasing upper harmonics with Decay taking you from short sharp minimal bleeps and bloops to booming like basses.

The final controls on the tone generation side of NWSCL are a bi-polar Pitch control for the range of the pitch modulation. Mostly importantly are the Depth amount of modulation and Rate speed of modulation. Separating the two tone generators on the left and FX on the right is is our mixer section. Starting off with the Pitch Shifter, this does much what it says on the tin — a WhammyPedal-like way of transposing the incoming signal up and down a in pitch.

Sometimes you wont hear what they do individually until you move another values.

